Eckhart Tolle Case Study

Learn how Vireo Video increased YouTube Video Views for best-selling author Eckhart Tolle by 538%!

Key Results

YouTube Video Views
+ 0 %
YouTube Watch Time
+ 0 %
YouTube Subscribers
+ 0 %
Of Collaboration
0 Years

Their Story

Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual teacher and a #1 New York Times Bestselling Author! Eckhart is widely recognized as one of the most inspiring and visionary spiritual teachers in the world today, thanks to his international bestsellers, “The Power of Now” and “A New Earth”.

Eckhart’s profound, yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe experience a state of vibrantly alive inner peace in their daily lives. His teachings focus on the significance and power of presence, the awakened state of consciousness, which transcends ego and discursive thinking. Eckhart sees this awakening as the essential next step in human evolution.


Their Goal

Vireo Video started working with Eckhart Tolle’s team in 2018. We were hired to manage and grow Eckhart’s YouTube Channel, which included both our organic and advertising services.

The key challenges surrounding this project were to refresh a YouTube channel that had become stagnant, as well as to manage a large library of copyrighted content.

Their Results

Through both organic and paid strategies, we were able to help the Eckhart Tolle channel attract new viewers and subscribers, while also increasing watch time and impressions.

August 20, 2018 - May 10, 2022

April 22, 2020 - May 31, 2022:

How We Did It

Optimization & Library Management

This service offering includes metadata optimization, thumbnail design, comment engagement, and video SEO optimization for all video uploads on their YouTube channel.

We also went back and optimized their video library spanning the past ten years of content. This, and adjusting the ad formats and placements of the content, was a major contributor to the viewership and revenue increases.

Content ID Management

Along with our library management services, the Eckhart Tolle team also looked to Vireo Video for assistance in stopping content copiers prevalent on YouTube.

We review content uploaded by third parties that are monetizing Eckhart Tolle's content without permission, and then choose to either monetize those videos for Eckhart or have them removed from the platform.

Video Editing & Channel Branding

To supplement the content provided by their publishers, our team would also go through the archived footage to edit new content for release. This could include a fresh take on an older video, or a compilation of Eckhart Tolle's best videos surrounding a specific topic, such as manifestation, for example.

In addition to video editing, our team also helps improve channel branding such as banners, end cards and thumbnail design to keep the channel looking professional and current.

YouTube Advertising

Prior to working with Vireo Video, the client had run their own paid YouTube campaigns, but never saw a great return on investment. They didn't see the value of YouTube Advertising.

We took on YouTube Ads for their team using video content we created from their uncut footage and pre-recorded testimonials.

While we can not share revenue details publicly, we've generated tens of thousands of email leads and course signups. Over the time of our four years working together, revenue has increased just over 4,000%! The return on investment has been significant, and so we've continued to help their team with this service offering.

Thumbnail Split Testing

We started performing A/B testing for thumbnails using TubeBuddy in January, 2021. First, we tested each video by experimenting with different copy, background images, facial expressions, Eckhart’s framing, and color schemes.

Secondly, when we identified a visual pattern in the success of certain thumbnails, we adjusted our testing format to focus on just the effect our copy was having. This helped us really pinpoint what language was driving viewers.

Lastly, in order to improve our CTR even further, and to freshen up the channel in general, we started using these A/B tests to try a new format for thumbnails. Since starting these tests, almost every variant thumbnail has outperformed the original. We can confidently say that the new style of thumbnails is working well for the channel thanks to split testing.









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